There are several possible ways to get discounts on your car insurance, and you shouldn’t rely on your insurance agent to volunteer them. Safe driver discounts are the tip of the iceberg–check with your agent to see if you qualify for any of these:
If you have a hybrid, electric car, or one that is extraordinarily fuel-efficient, you may get a discount
Safety features
If you park in a garage, have anti-theft protection, an electronic vehicle locator, air bags or an alarm, this could help lower your premiums
Low mileage
If you don’t drive a lot, be sure to tell your insurer to see if you qualify for an annual mileage discount
Package deal
If you have home or life insurance with the same agency, ask them to reward your loyalty with a discount
Alumni or professional association
You may get a discount if you graduated from a particular school, or belong to an recognized association such as a medical board
Good student
If the vehicle is being driven by your teenager and they have decent marks in school, this may save you up to 20%, as insurers tend to assume good students make responsible drivers.
Check all the fine print at your insurance agent’s office and see if there are any additional savings you can rack up, and ask your agent to go through all the possible discounts with you.