List/Grid Author Archives: Proffiliates

What a Payday Lender Can Do If You Do Not Repay Your Loan?
When applying for a payday loan for emergency cash, most applicants don’t foresee future payment problems. Many apply with the intentions of paying back their lender in full in about ...

Build Your Credit With Credit Cards
If you are buying a house or car anytime in the near future, your odds of getting approved for a loan are much higher if you have an existing credit score.
Some people discount the ...

I Have Bad Credit: How Can I Begin to Fix It?
Credit is a topic that most people don’t like discussing, especially if they have a poor credit history. There’s no single cause of bad credit. But talk to anyone with a low credit ...

Why You Don’t Have Life Insurance–And Why You Should
According to a recent life insurance industry survey, only 44% of American households have individual life insurance–the lowest percentage in 50 years. There are 11 million homes ...

Why You Should Use a Credit Card, Not a Debit Card
The common wisdom these days is to avoid using credit cards whenever possible. True, if you often forget to make monthly payments and have a history of racking up credit card debt, ...

Quick Fixes for Your Credit Score
Whether you’ve declared bankruptcy or simply made a few late payments, if your credit score needs a boost, you can expect it to take one to four years of rebuilding before you ...

Managing Your Online Holiday Spending
With the gift giving season in full effect, you might look for easier ways to complete your shopping. In all honesty, most people don’t want to spend their weekends and evenings braving ...

Money Tips During a Recession
With the economic roller-coaster ride we’ve all been on, no one can ignore the fact that these are tough times. With the prices of gas, groceries and other necessities rising while ...

How to Avoid Overdraft Fees
Your bank may offer you a ‘convenient’ overdraft service, allowing transactions to go through even though you don’t have enough money in your account. Trouble is, ...

Searching for Credit Cards with Bad Credit
It’s pretty tough to get by without a credit card these days. If you want to make a purchase online, rent a car, reserve a hotel or flight, you’re going to need a piece of plastic ...